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4mo ago

The present participle of "leave" is "leaving."

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Q: What is the present participle of leave?
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Present tense for leave?

I/you/we/they leave. He/she/it leaves. The present participle is leaving.

Is LEAVING present past past participle or is it present participle?

"Leaving" is a present participle, as it is formed from the base verb "leave" with the "-ing" ending added. The past tense of "leave" is "left," and the past participle is also "left."

What is the present tense of the word leave?

The present tense of the word "leave" is "leaves."

What is the past and present tense of the word leave?

"Leave" is the present tense; "left" is the past tense and past participle.

Is leaving a future tense?

No leaving is the present participle of leave.

What is the present tense form of the verb leave?

The present tense form of the verb "leave" is "leaves" for third person singular (he/she/it) and "leave" for all other pronouns (I, you, we, they).

What is the future progressive tense of leave?

The future progressive is formed with: will + be + present participle. The present participle of leave is leaving.The verb phrase is - will be leaving eg We will be leaving early in the morning.

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The present participle of "get" is "getting."

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The present participle of "do" is "doing".

What is the present participle and past participle of be?

Being is the present participle. The past participle is been.

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Presenting is the present participle of present.

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Presenting is the present participle of present.