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"Across Puget Sound" is the prepositional phrase.

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The prepositional phrase in this sentence is "across Puget Sound."

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Q: What is the prepositional phrase of The bridge was built across Puget Sound?
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What is the homograph of to turn?

While "turn" has some different shades of meaning, they are related, so they would not really be called homographs. "Turn" has a homophone "tern," which is a kind of bird.Homographs would be spelled the same, but have different sounds ("sake" as in "Do it for my sake" and "sake" as Japanese rice wine); or words spelled the same but of different origins and completely unrelated meanings (as sound that you hear and a body of water like Puget Sound).

What languages were spoken in the United States in 1492?

In 1492, numerous Native American languages were spoken across North America, including languages from the Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan language families. These languages were spoken by various indigenous tribes who had been living in the Americas for thousands of years prior to the arrival of European colonizers.

What is the Native American word warrior?

There are more than 700 different Native American languages spoken in North and South America.If you are not sure which language you are talking about, here is a partial list of the most common Native American languages in North America:Abnaki, EasternAchumawiAfro-Seminole CreoleAhtenaAlabamaAleutAlseaAngloromaniApache, JicarillaApache, KiowaApache, LipanApache, Mescalero-ChiricahuaApache, WesternArapahoArikaraAssiniboineAtakapaAtsugewiBarbareñoBiloxiBlackfootCaddoCahuillaCarolina AlgonquianCarolinianCatawbaCayugaChamorroChehalis, LowerChehalis, UpperCherokeeChetcoCheyenneChickasawChimarikoChinookChinook WawaChippewaChitimachaChoctawChumashClallamCocopaCoeur d'AleneColumbia-WenatchiComancheCoosCoquilleCowlitzCree, PlainsCrowCruzeñoCupeñoDakotaDegexit'anDelawareDelaware, PidginEsselenEvenkiEyakGaliceGros VentreGwich'inHalkomelemHanHavasupai-Walapai-YavapaiHawai'i Creole EnglishHawai'i Pidgin Sign LanguageHawaiianHidatsaHo-ChunkHolikachukHopiHupaIneseñoInupiaqInupiatun, North AlaskanInupiatun, Northwest AlaskaIowa-OtoJemezJingphoKalapuyaKalispel-Pend D'oreilleKansaKarkinKarokKashayaKatoKawaiisuKeres, EasternKeres, WesternKickapooKiowaKitsaiKlamath-ModocKoasatiKoyukonKumiaiKuskokwim, UpperKutenaiLakotaLuiseñoLumbeeLushootseedMahicanMaidu, NortheastMaidu, NorthwestMaidu, ValleyMakahMalecite-PassamaquoddyMandanMattoleMenomineeMeskwakiMiamiMichifMicmacMikasukiMiwok, BayMiwok, Central SierraMiwok, CoastMiwok, LakeMiwok, Northern SierraMiwok, PlainsMiwok, Southern SierraMohaveMohawkMohegan-Montauk-NarragansettMokileseMolaleMonoMuskogeeNanticokeNatchezNavajoNawathinehenaNez PerceNisenanNooksackNottowayObispeñoOfoOhlone, NorthernOhlone, SouthernOkanaganOmaha-PoncaOneidaOnondagaOsageOttawaPaiute, NorthernPawneePiroPiscatawayPlains Indian Sign LanguagePomo, CentralPomo, EasternPomo, NortheasternPomo, NorthernPomo, SoutheasternPomo, SouthernPotawatomiPowhatanPurepechaPurisimeñoQuapawQuechanQuileuteQuinaultSalinanSalish, Southern Puget SoundSalish, StraitsSea Island Creole EnglishSenecaSerranoShastaShawneeShoshoniSiuslawSkagitSnohomishSpanishSpokaneTakelmaTanacrossTanainaTanana, LowerTanana, UpperTeninoTewaTillamookTimbishaTiwa, NorthernTiwa, SouthernTlingitTohono O'odhamTolowaTonkawaTsimshianTübatulabalTunicaTuscaroraTuteloTututniTwanaUmatillaUnamiUte-Southern PaiuteVentureñoWailakiWalla WallaWampanoagWappoWasco-WishramWashoWichitaWintuWiyotWyandotYakimaYaquiYokutsYuchiYukiYupik, CentralYupik, Central SiberianYupik, Pacific GulfYurokZuni

What is your translation for Patsy in native American?

There is not a direct translation for "Patsy" in Native American languages, as it is a name of English origin. However, in Native American cultures, names are often chosen based on personal characteristics or experiences, so a Native American individual may have a different name that reflects their identity within their tribe.

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Where was the Tacoma bridge?

The Tacoma Narrows Bridge crosses the Tacoma Narrows of the Puget Sound, it collapsed in 1940.

What city is across the Puget sound from the Olympic peninsula?

Seattle, WA

What body of water does the Tacoma narrow bridge cross over?

It crosses the Tacoma Narrows strait which is part of Puget Sound in Washington state.

Cost of first Tacoma narrows bridge in 1940?

6 million original bridge in 1940 It only stayed up for 3 months before crashing into the puget sound. 11 million The next bridge was built in 1948-1951 800 million cost to build another one in 2007.

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Puget Sound is a large body of water located by the Olympic Peninsula

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Peter Puget died in 1822.

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