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The preposition in the sentence is "out." It shows the movement from inside the restaurant to the busy street.

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Q: What is the preposition - I walked out of the restaurant and found myself in a busy street.?
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What is the preposition in this sentence?

In order to succeed, one must work hard. The preposition in this sentence is "to."

How can you use the word down as a preposition in a sentence?

He walked down the street to get to the store.

Is He walked past the yellow house a preposition?

No, "walked" is the verb and "past the yellow house" is a prepositional phrase indicating where the subject walked. "Past" is the preposition in the phrase.

What are the nouns in the sentence Gina walked along the crowded street.?

The nouns in the sentence are:Gina, proper noun, the name of a person (subject of the sentence);street, common noun, a word for a thing (object of the preposition 'along')The other words are:walked, verb, past tense, intransitive (it has no object);along, preposition;the, article;crowded, adjective, modifies the noun 'street'.

How do you use to as a preposition in a sentence?

I walked to the shop

What part of speech is into?

"Into" is a preposition that answers the question "Where?".For example:Dave walked into the store. -- Where did Dave walk? Intothe store."In" is also a preposition that sometimes finds itself near "to" in a sentence.For example:Dave walked in to buy a soda. -- Where did Dave walk? In.In this case, "to" is an infinitive as it is followed by the simple form of the word "buy".

How can you distinguish a preposition from an adverb?

A preposition will use an object (noun, pronoun, or an equivalent phrase). Example: Getting dirty is part of being a cowboy. (being a cowboy is a noun phrase, object of the preposition of) Where an adverb might also be used as a preposition, look for an object: a noun or pronoun or the equivalent which normally follows the preposition. If there is none, the word in that usage is an adverb. Example: We walked on. (adverb) We walked on the beach. (preposition)

How do you use across in a sentence?

You can use "across" as a preposition to indicate movement from one side to another, for example, "She walked across the street." It can also be used to demonstrate a standpoint or comparison, as in "The differences across cultures are vast."

Is edge a preposition?

Yes, "edge" can function as a preposition when indicating the side or boundary of something, such as "She walked along the edge of the cliff."

Give an example or a Object of a Preposition?

lets say your sentence is.... The two soldiers walked gingerly through the field. The= adj two= adj soldiers=n walked=v gingerly=adverb through is your preposition field is your object of the preposition and the describes field

What is a preposition for the black cat walked under the water?


What is an example of along as a preposition?

An example of "along" used as a preposition is: "He walked along the beach." In this sentence, "along" shows the direction in which he walked, next to the beach.