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There is no prefix for look.

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4mo ago

The prefix of "look" is "un-".

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Q: What is the prefix of look?
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No, "overlook" is a compound word consisting of "over" and "look." It is not a prefix word.

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I think cooperation. Why don't you look in a dictionary

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the prefix of the word conviction is "intense" you can also look up the prefix on google and then type in what is the prefix for conviction and click the one were it says what is the prefix for the word conviction and there you have it thanks again for reading my advice.

What is the prefix for the word 'look'?

Looking or looked.

Is this prefix greek or latin spect?

Spect- is Latin for See or Look

What is the definition for the prefix sym?

well look it up in a good dictionary maybe cuz im not sure

What does the prefix inter mean in interactive?

men everyone is asking look for it urself '

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I think vacu is a word and prefix means added to the start of the root word so the definition is to look it up on the interent. simple!

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