The prefix for "effective" is "ef-", which comes from the Latin prefix "ex-", meaning "out of" or "from." When added to the root word "effective," which means "having the power to produce a desired result or effect," it changes the meaning to "out of or from having the power to produce a desired result or effect."
The prefix for inadequate is in-. The prefix in- means not.
The prefix for include is in-. This prefix means not.
what prefix does hypothesis have? what prefix does hypothesis have?
The prefix for unsuspecting is "un-".
A prefix is not a prefix when it is placed at the end of a word rather than the beginning. In this case, it is referred to as a suffix.
The prefix for inadequate is in-. The prefix in- means not.
Yes, prefix does have a prefix. The prefix is pur-.
The prefix for include is in-. This prefix means not.
The prefix is in-. This prefix means not.
The prefix is in-. This prefix means not.
Demi has no prefix; it IS a prefix.
The prefix is in. The prefix in- means not.
The prefix is micro.
what prefix does hypothesis have? what prefix does hypothesis have?