The plural of "advice" is also "advice." Unlike many nouns in English that change form when pluralized, "advice" remains the same in its singular and plural form.
Advice is a noun, and therefore does not have tenses. However, you could say "gave advice." Or you could say "advised"
There is no past tense because advice is a noun. Advise is a verb, and the past tense is advised.
"Consejo" in Spanish means advice or counsel.
The noun that relates to the verb 'advise' is 'advice'. Jim advised Bill to sell his shares. The advice Jim gave was poor.
"Advice" is a noun that refers to recommendations or opinions given to help someone make a decision. "Advise" is a verb that means to offer suggestions or counsel to someone.
The plural of a fish is fish.
Advice has no singular form; the closest is a 'piece of advice'. Proper usages include: give advice give some advice give a piece of advice
No, the word advice is a common, abstract, non-count noun. The collective nouns for advice are a word of advice, a bit of advice, or a piece of advice.
The noun 'advice' is an abstract noun, a word for guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action; a word for information; a word for a concept.
Sound advice is advice that is very useful and wise.
To get advice
It depends on what sort of advice you want. Go to an expert for whatever you need, such as financial advice or spiritual advice or health advice.
The plural form for 'piece of advice' is pieces of advice.
The noun 'advice' is a non-count noun; plurals are expressed in pieces of advice, words of advice, etc.
Sometimes, advice is not worth what you've paid for it. That's good advice. I'll accept your advice.
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