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Sang is the past tense of sing.

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4mo ago

The past tense of "sang" is "sung."

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Q: What is the past tense of sang?
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Related questions

What is the past tense of the verb sing?

The past tense of "sing" would be "sang" or "sung".

Is sang past tense?

Yes, "sang" is the past tense of the verb "sing."

What is the past tense of singe?

The past tense of sing is sang: I sang.I have sung is the present perfect tense. You would not say, "I sung the song well." Rather, you would say, "I sang the song well".sang

What is the irregular past tense of sing?

the past simple is sang and past paticiple is sung

What is the past tense from sing in plural?

The past tense of "sing" in plural form is "sang."

Sing past tense?

The past tense of "sing" is "sang." For example, "I sang a song last night."

What is the past tense of The girls sing?

"The girls sang" is the past tense.

Past tense of sing?

I sang I have sung is the present perfect tense. You would not say, "I sung the song well."

What is the past tense from sing?

sang, not sung. "I sang a song" is correct, but "I sung a song" is not. You would say "I have sung a song", which is present perfect tense.

What part of speech is sang?

There is no plural form for the verb 'sang'. Verbs do not have singular or plural forms, verbs have tenses. The verb 'sang' is the past tense of the verb 'sing'. The tenses are: sing, sings, singing, sang, sung.

What is the past tanse of the word singed?

The simple past tense and past participle of singe are both singed.The simple past tense of sing is sang. The past participle of sing is sung.

To have sung in the past tense?
