The past tense of "build" is "built" and the past participle is also "built."
The past participle of the word "build" is "built."
The past participle of "build" is "built." For example, "The house was built last year."
The past participle of "do" is "done." The past participle of "have" is "had."
The past participle of "am not" is "have not been."
Built is the past participle of build.
The past participle is built.
The past tense of "build" is "built" and the past participle is also "built."
infinitive: build past: built past participle: built
The past participle of the word "build" is "built."
The past participle of "build" is "built." For example, "The house was built last year."
infinitive: build past: built past participle: built
Built.As in, I built a model for my History project.
The past participle of "do" is "done." The past participle of "have" is "had."
The past participle of "am not" is "have not been."
The past participle of "do" is "done."
The past tense of "have" is "had," and the past participle is also "had."