dec/or/ation. :)
Decem. (Dec- is the root that we use in constructing English words.)
The antonym of the word "origin" is "destination" or "end point."
It's word origin is the Latin eboreus - creamy-white in color.
The word for "origin" in Romani is "zhanel."
In Greek Dec means ten
dec/or/ation. :)
the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.
The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.
where was the word colonel origin
Decem. (Dec- is the root that we use in constructing English words.)
The origin of the word data is Latin ....
Some words that use 'dec' to mean by or with ten are:decadedecagramdecahedrondecaloguedecameterdecapoddecasyllabicdecathalondecigramdeciliterdecimaldecimeter
Tobaggon was the secret word on Ellen's show Mon Dec 31, 2012
the origin of the word bucket is bu-cket
The origin of the word 'Snog' or 'Snogging' is England :)