The root word for metropolis is "meter," which means "mother" or "origin."
The root word of liberty is "liber," which is of Latin origin and means "free."
The root word for "paramecium" is "paramēkēs," which is Greek in origin and means "oval."
The root word 'home' means 'habitual dwelling place' or 'place of origin'.
It comes from the word for bed.
The root apex is provided with a protective covering, it is apical cap or root cap
The root cap protects the root from injury from rocks as the root grows through the soil.
The function of the root cap is to protect and cover the growing tip of the root.
No, the root cap does not store food. The main function of the root cap is to protect the delicate growing tip of the root as it pushes through the soil.
The root word cap means to take or seize. This is shown in capable.
The root word cap means to take or seize. This is shown in capable.
tap root develops from radicle of the embryo and every root apex is provided with root cap
Root cap
The root cap originates from the calyptrogen, which is a specialized meristematic tissue located at the tip of plant roots. The cells of the calyptrogen continuously divide and differentiate to produce the root cap, which protects the root tip as it grows through the soil.
A root apical meristem is protected by a root cap, which covers the growing tip of the root. The root cap helps to navigate through soil and protect the delicate meristematic cells as the root grows through the soil.
A root cap is a small cone of cells that protects the growing part of a root as it makes its way through the soil, the root cap is found covering the tip of a root. Right behind the root cap is the part of the root where most of the root's growth occurs.