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Antonyms of careful that have that kind of C are capricious, injudicious, nonchalant, and unconcerned.

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2mo ago

The opposite of careful with a C pronounced like an S is "careless."

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Q: What is the opposite of careful that has a C with the sound of an S?
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What letters make the sound s?

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The C in cinnamon has the soft c sound which sounds like the letter s.Examples:CeleryCentipedeCinnamonCircleCircusCityCylinderThe above words all begin with C and sound like S.

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At 0 degrees C, the speed of sound is about 331 m/s, while at 25 degrees C, the speed of sound is around 344 m/s. The speed of sound increases with temperature because sound waves travel faster in warmer air due to increased molecular motion.

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Soft c makes a S sound but really is a C.The word cereal has the soft c sound.

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When does a 'C' make a 'S' sound?

when an 'e' comes after the 'c'

How many Japanese words with c?

none. There is no "c" in the Japanese language. There is k (for a hard c sound) and s (for a soft c sound) though.

How many sounds does the letter c have?

The c can make 2 sounds. It can make the k sound and the s sound.

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In the word "center," the letter C represents the sound /s/.

How much is velocity?

Speed of sound c = 343 m/s at 20°C.Speed of sound c = 331.3 m/s at 0°C.Mind the temperature.

What sound does c have in the word exception?

it should sound like an "s"pronunciation of exception: ik-sep-shuh n"x" sounds like "ks", usually. The "c" in exceptioncarries on the "s" sound.