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The nationality of Finland is Finnish.

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Q: What is the nationality of findland?
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What in the continent is the country of findland?

Finland is in Europe

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What colors does the flag of findland have in it?

Royal blue and white

What is the body of water that separates Findland and Sweden?

The Gulf of Bothnia

Does Findland is also called suomi?

Finland is Suomi in Finnish.

What is the name of the sea between Sweden and Findland?

baltic sea

Helsinki the capital of Findland is loacated on what sea?

The Baltic Sea.

How do you spell Finland in Finland?

Yoghurt: Jugurtti

What sea is the capital of findland on?

Helsinki, the capital of Finland is on the Baltic Sea.

What Liverpool players have played for Finland?

The Liverpool player who plays for Findland is HYPIA

Difference between Newfoundland and new Finland dog?

there is no such thing as a new findland dog