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9mo ago

The medical terminology combining form meaning picture is "radi/o-" or "graph/o-".

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What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning process of producing a picture or record?

-graphy is the medical terminology combining form meaning the process of recording.

What is the medical term for the process of recording a picture of a blood vessel?

Angiography is the medical term meaning the process of recording a picture of blood vessels. The resulting picture is an angiograph.

What is the medical term for The process of recording a picture of blood vessels?

The process of recording a picture of an artery is called an arteriography. This is sometimes done in the medical testing process to locate weak places or blockages.

What word comes from combining the words picture and element?


What is the meaning of an 'OLE action' in computer terminology?

It is meaning of OBJECT LINKING EMBEDDING. It is use for add object form out side the computer memory like as picture, logo, button etc. Most of this action is use in data base application.

What is a meowl?

a creature in which an artist created by combining an owl's picture and a cat's picture forming what looks like an owl with a cat's head.

Do pict and pic mean the same thing?

In computer terminology, a pict and pic both are short for picture. However, pic is a more widely accepted abbreviation. If outside of computer terminology, a Pict is an older tribe in England and a pic is text slang for picture.

Which app for laptops allows pic combining?

Photoshop is the best one for this, you can do anything imaginable with a picture.

What is the meaning of picto?


What is Meaning of picture?

A picture is an image of something, which includes photographs and paintings.

Meaning of PICTURE on Microsoft Word?

Clicking on picture will allow you to insert a picture from your hard drive or disk.

What does mosaic attenuation mean in medical terms?

Mosaic attenuation describes a certain kind of visual pattern seen on a CAT scan of the lung. It has no diagnostic meaning - it just describes the picture.