The name "Plexico" does not have a widely recognized or standard meaning in terms of language or origin. It may be a unique or uncommon name with no specific defined meaning.
There is no widely recognized meaning of the name "sylum" as it is not a common or established name. It could be a unique or invented name without a specific meaning.
The name Shaddon does not have a widely recognized meaning or origin. It could potentially be a variant spelling or a unique name with no specific meaning attached to it.
"Sishi" does not appear to have a commonly recognized meaning or origin. It could be a unique name or a variation of a different name.
The name "Jiku" is not a traditional Bengali name. It does not have a specific meaning in Bengali culture.
Saru Tobi.
You say 'monkey' in Japanese by using the word 'サル' (saru).
Saru Brunei was created in 1996.
Saru Lock was created in 2009.
George Saru was born in 1920.
George Saru died in 2003.
fat ape shibo saru baby ape akachan saru
Monkey is 'saru' in Japanese.
monkey - Saru
Saru gecchu - 1999 VG is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G USA:E
An ape is a large primate that lacks a tail. The Japanese translation of the word ape is saru, which also refers to monkeys.