Here are the languages spoken in Sudan - Arabic, Dinka, Nubian,Beja,Nuer and local languages.
The main language spoken in Hausa is, unsurprisingly, Hausa. However, many Hausa people also speak English, as it is the official language of Nigeria where the majority of Hausa people reside. Additionally, some Hausa individuals may also speak Arabic, as Islamic culture and Arabic language have had an influence on the Hausa people.
Yes, Arabic is a Semitic language belonging to the Afro-Asiatic language family, not the Indo-European language family. Arabic is spoken by millions of people primarily in the Middle East and North Africa.
I'm proud to be from Jordan & I can tell you that all the people of Jordan speak Arabic. Kingdom of Jordan is an Arab country, it's official language as the other Arab countries is Arabic. The 2nd language that is being widely learnt is the English.
" Arabic people" are Arabic speakers who are called Arabs. Arabic is the language they speak mainly.
Arabic Arabic
French is certainly a lingua franca in Morocco, but the main language is Derija Maghribiyya or the Moroccan Dialect of Arabic.
Here are the languages spoken in Sudan - Arabic, Dinka, Nubian,Beja,Nuer and local languages.
Arabic is the official language, but English is widely spoken, as well as Farsi, Hindi & Urdu.There are lots of foreigners who come and people speak Persian, German, Spanish and all sorts, but the main language which started in Bahrain is Arabic.
Arabic is the main language but they do talk french as well. i know this coz im lebanese:)
The main language spoken in Hausa is, unsurprisingly, Hausa. However, many Hausa people also speak English, as it is the official language of Nigeria where the majority of Hausa people reside. Additionally, some Hausa individuals may also speak Arabic, as Islamic culture and Arabic language have had an influence on the Hausa people.