The word "cent" is derived from the Latin word "centum," meaning a hundred. It is the unit of currency used in several countries, with its value usually equivalent to a hundredth of the main currency unit.
The currency used in Germany is the euro (β¬).
The currency of Spain is the euro The currency of Mexico is the peso
Currency: Cash, banknotes, legal tender Money: Currency, cash, funds
Foreign currency is the currency of another country, used for transactions such as international trade and travel. It can be exchanged for the local currency based on the current exchange rate.
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She eats fruit
The Spiny Desrt is in Madagasgar.
the Indian ocean
The main currency is the Euro and the language is Portuguese.
they eat steak and pigeons
Do you mean Madagascar? Main language is French and tiako ianao, the main currency is Ariary.
The main language is Japanese.The main currency is the Yen.
aye aye