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The homophone for "rob" or "pilfer" with four letters is "steal."

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Q: What is the homophone for rob or pilfer that has four letters?
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What is the homophone for rob or pilfer that has five letters?

The homophone for "rob" or "pilfer" that has five letters is "steal."

What is the homophone for rob or pilfer?

The homophone for "rob" is "rob" itself, as homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. The homophone for "pilfer" is "pilfer" since it also refers to the act of stealing or taking something dishonestly.

Synonym for pilfer?

Steal. Rob.

What is a homophone for rob?

A homophone for "rob" is "rob," as in the word "rob" itself - spelled the same but may have different meanings or origins.

What is the homophone for rob?

The homophone for "rob" is "robb," which is pronounced the same but spelled differently.

What part of speech is pilfered?

The word pilfered is a verb. It is the past tense of pilfer.

What is a homophone for the word steak?

a homophone for the word steak is stake. Like if you're on a stake out of a person you think is going to rob your neighbor.

What are some antonyms for pilfer?

steal, thieve, take, snatch, purloin, loot; swipe, rob, nab, lift, "liberate", "borrow", filch, snaffle; pinch, heist.

What is a synonym for steal?

The best synonym for steal is thieve or pilfer.

What is the Homophone for a weapon that fires bulletsand to rob or plunder?

Steel, steal "Rifle" is a homograph.

What is the future tense of stole?

The future tense of "stole" is "will steal." For example, "He will steal the car tomorrow."

Who is the player in four four two?

It's either Rob Earnshaw or Hermann Hreidersson (sp?)