The homonyms of "couple" are "couple" (noun) meaning two people or things that are connected or paired together, and "couple" (verb) meaning to join or connect two things together.
Synonyms: Pleasant, agreeable, charming Antonyms: Plain, ugly, unattractive Homonyms: Pair (a couple), pear (fruit)
Homonyms for "capitol" are "capital" and "cattle."
The homonyms of "him" are "hymn" and "hymn".
Some homonyms for benevolence include "bene violence" and "bean violence."
The homonyms of "late" are "eight" and "bait."
Synonyms: Pleasant, agreeable, charming Antonyms: Plain, ugly, unattractive Homonyms: Pair (a couple), pear (fruit)
Homonyms for "capitol" are "capital" and "cattle."
The homonyms of "him" are "hymn" and "hymn".
homonyms adds
Build is the homonyms of bill
Some homonyms for benevolence include "bene violence" and "bean violence."
The homonyms of "late" are "eight" and "bait."
"May" and "merry" are month homonyms.
There are three syllables in homonyms.
The homonyms for "massed" are "mast" and "mazed."
Homonyms of "change" include "chained" and "changeling."
enchanted Leninism/English/homonyms