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The Hebrew word for hate is "שנאה" (sina'ah).

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What is the French word for the English word hate?

To hate = haïr, détester. Hate (noun)= haine. To say I hate you to a person then say I haine you.

What is the latin word for hate?

Hate (noun) - odium. To hate - odire.

What part of speech is the word hate?

The word hate is a verb. The past tense is hated.

What is the Cajun word for love And what is the Cajun word for hate?

The Cajun word for love is "amour" and the Cajun word for hate is "haine."

Is hate an abstract noun or a common noun?

The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.A related abstract noun is hatred.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'hate' is the gerund, hating.The concrete noun form of the verb to 'hate' is hater, a word for a person.

What is a word for hate that starts with the letter p?

a word that is similar to hate and starts with a p can be pique!

What does the German word hass mean?

The German word "Hass" means "hate" in English.

Is hate an adverb?

No, it is not. The word hate is a noun or verb. One adverb form is the word hatefully.

What is the word dai kiraii in English means?

"I hate it" or "I hate you".

Other words for hate?

Another word for hate is despise

What is the abstract noun for hate?

The word 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for an intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.The abstract noun forms of the verb to hate are hatredand the gerund, hating.Examples:Noun: Hate has a value when it spurs changes for the better.Verb: When you hate broccoli, you should plant carrots.