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There is no grammatical difference. In American English, the "s" is usually omitted, while British speakers and writers tend to leave it on. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, either spelling is correct.

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2mo ago

The words without "s" (onward, downward, upward, toward) are typically used as adverbs, while the words with "s" (onwards, downwards, upwards, towards) can be used as adverbs or adjectives. Both forms are generally interchangeable in modern English, with the choice often depending on regional preference.

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Q: What is the grammatical difference between onward and onwards downward and downwards upward and upwards toward and towards etc?
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What is the difference between downward and downwards?

"Downward" is an adjective used to describe the direction of movement, while "downwards" is an adverb that modifies a verb indicating a downward action. For example, "The elevator is moving downward" (adjective) versus "She looked downwards" (adverb).

What is grammatical contrast?

Grammatical contrast refers to the difference between two or more grammatical elements, such as verb tenses, sentence structures, or word forms. This can help show distinctions or highlight similarities between ideas in a sentence or text.

Difference between lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor?

A lexical metaphor involves the substitution of one word for another in a figurative sense, while a grammatical metaphor involves the transformation of grammatical structures to create metaphorical meanings. Lexical metaphors change the word level, while grammatical metaphors alter the structure of the sentence.

What is the difference between prose and informal speech?

Prose refers to written and spoken language that follows the conventional grammatical structure and organization of sentences, paragraphs, and narratives. Informal speech, on the other hand, involves the use of relaxed language, colloquialisms, contractions, and informal vocabulary that may not adhere strictly to grammatical rules.

What is the grammatical difference between for and to?

"For" is often used to indicate purpose or reason, while "to" is typically used to show direction or destination. For example, "I bought flowers for my mom" (purpose) versus "I went to the store" (direction).

Related questions

What is the difference between downward and downwards?

"Downward" is an adjective used to describe the direction of movement, while "downwards" is an adverb that modifies a verb indicating a downward action. For example, "The elevator is moving downward" (adjective) versus "She looked downwards" (adverb).

What is the grammatical difference between scientia and scientifica?

There is no grammatical difference between two nouns. If they have different meaning, then there is a lexical difference.

What is grammatical contrast?

Grammatical contrast refers to the difference between two or more grammatical elements, such as verb tenses, sentence structures, or word forms. This can help show distinctions or highlight similarities between ideas in a sentence or text.

Difference between slope and deflection at a point?

Slope refers to the how upward or downward a point is whereas deflection at a point refers to how bent a particular point is.

What is the grammatical difference between the words little and small?

None. They are synonyms; two words with the same meaning.

What is the difference between lexical and grammatical words?

Lexical words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Grammatical words are determiners, pronouns, auxiliaries and modals, prepositions, conjunctions. That's all I remember.

What are the grammatical rules for brackets?

Use the same rules inside brackets as you would outside of brackets. There is no difference between the two.

Difference between lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor?

A lexical metaphor involves the substitution of one word for another in a figurative sense, while a grammatical metaphor involves the transformation of grammatical structures to create metaphorical meanings. Lexical metaphors change the word level, while grammatical metaphors alter the structure of the sentence.

What accomplished by turning the coarse adjustment upward and downward?

When turning the coarse adjustment on a microscope upwards or downwards, the distance between the tube and the stage changes. This changes the detail of what you can see of the specimen you are examining.

What is the difference between different to and different from?

"Different from" is the correct term. "Different to" is simply a common grammatical error. Things are "different from" or "similar to".

what is the difference between ascending and descending tract?

An ascending tract goes upward. The descending tract goes downward.

What is the difference between prose and informal speech?

Prose refers to written and spoken language that follows the conventional grammatical structure and organization of sentences, paragraphs, and narratives. Informal speech, on the other hand, involves the use of relaxed language, colloquialisms, contractions, and informal vocabulary that may not adhere strictly to grammatical rules.