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Charlene Schinner

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2y ago
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2mo ago

The complement "upset" functions as an object complement, describing the state or condition of Sidney as a result of the action in the sentence. It provides more information about the direct object "Sidney," specifying how he was affected by the teasing.

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Q: What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence Did our teasing make Sidney UPSET?
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What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence Did your teasing make Sidney upset?

The complement "upset" in this sentence is functioning as a subject complement. It describes the state or condition of the subject, Sidney, after the action in the question (teasing) was performed by the subject (you).

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence Did our teasing make Sidney (upset)?

indirect obj

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence Did our teasing make (Sidney) upset?

A plus= predicate adjective

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