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The answer is Grapefruit

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4mo ago

The English name for "suha" is pomelo. It is a large citrus fruit that is similar to a grapefruit, but milder and sweeter in flavor.

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What is the common English name for suha?

The common English name for suha is pomelo. It is a large, citrus fruit with a thick, green or yellow rind and sweet, tangy flesh.

What is the scientific name for suha?

The scientific name for suha is Citrus maxima.

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What is the tagalog term for grapefruit?

The Tagalog term for grapefruit is "suha."

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The Tagalog word for grapefruit is "suha."

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The area of Suha pri Predosljah is 3,720,000.0 square meters.

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