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Direct- food

Indirect- dog

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Direct object: food Indirect object: dog

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Q: What is the direct and indirect object in did the woman give the dog any food?
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Can a noun clause be used as a direct and indirect subject?

Yes, a noun clause can be used as a direct or indirect subject in a sentence. For example, "What she said" (direct subject) and "Whether he will come" (indirect subject) are both noun clauses functioning as subjects in sentences.

How does an intransitive verb differ from transitive verb?

An intransitive verb does not require a direct object to complete its meaning, while a transitive verb requires a direct object to receive the action of the verb. For example, "sleep" is an intransitive verb in "I sleep," but "eat" is a transitive verb in "I eat food."

Is stuffed with food a prepositional phrase?

Yes, "stuffed with food" is a prepositional phrase. It consists of the preposition "with" and its object "food." Together, they function as an adjective to describe what the subject is filled with.

Is sausage masculine or feminine?

Sausage is a food item and does not have a gender association. It is a neutral object.

How the indirect relief works?

Indirect relief works by providing support to individuals or communities through organizations, agencies, or programs rather than directly giving assistance to those in need. This can involve services such as food banks, shelters, or job training programs, which help address underlying issues contributing to the need for relief. By working through intermediaries, indirect relief aims to reach a broader range of individuals and provide more sustainable solutions to those in need.

Related questions

What is the direct and indirect object in The dog ate the food?

Food is the direct object. This sentence does not have an indirect object. The D.O. answers the question "the dog ate what?" An indirect object would answer the question "for whom / to whom / for what?" as in "I gave the dog a bone." I gave what? A bone (D.O.) I gave the bone to whom? The dog (I.O.)

Is the tax on food items a direct or indirect tax?

Indirect tax because they are impose on goods and services

What is the direct object in this sentence you went to Food world today?

There is no direct object in that sentence.

Can a noun clause be used as a direct and indirect subject?

Yes, a noun clause can be used as a direct or indirect subject in a sentence. For example, "What she said" (direct subject) and "Whether he will come" (indirect subject) are both noun clauses functioning as subjects in sentences.

What is the difference between direct simmering and indirect steaming?

With direct simmering, the food is immersed in slowly boiling liquid and cooked until it is done. With indirect steaming, the food is place on a rack above the boiling liquid and cooked by the steam from that liquid.

What are the direct and indirect uses of the forest?

Direct uses Lumbering, food products, firewood, hunting and recreation,habitat, control run-off of water Indirect Replenish oxygen and moderate temperature Source:yahoo answers

What is indirect competition?

Indirect Competition could be defined as "competition that you face from your substitutes." e.g For fast food, McDonalds, Taco Bell would be direct competition, while Applebees, Chile's, TGI Fridays, etc would be indirect competition.

What is the direct and indirect impact of flood on agriculture?

The direct impact is that flooding destroys crops unless they are slow to absorb the water. The indirect impact is that we have less food to send to the market. Growing plants in flooded soil is problematic because absorption of nutrients is poor.

What does preditor mean?

The predicate of a sentence is everything that is not the subject of the sentence, including the verb. A predicate noun is a noun that is part of the sentence that comes after the verb for the direct object, indirect object, and noun clauses.

What are four methods of transmitting diseases?

Air bourne Water bourne Person-to-person

The difference between direct contaminants and indirect contaminants?

Direct contaminants are introduced into a system intentionally, such as adding chemicals to water for disinfection. Indirect contaminants enter a system unintentionally through sources like runoff or leaching from surrounding areas. Both types can pose risks to water quality and human health.

What is a direct and indirect relationship in a food web?

In a food web, a direct relationship occurs between organisms that are directly linked through trophic interactions, such as predator-prey relationships. An indirect relationship, on the other hand, involves interactions between organisms that are not directly linked but impact each other through other species in the community, like competition for resources or mutualistic relationships.