The base of "servile" is "serv" which comes from the Latin word "servus" meaning slave. The prefix is "ser-" which means slave or servant.
"Esclava" means slave or servant in Spanish. It is often used to refer to a person who is forced to work for someone else without pay and with limited freedom.
Abdul is a name in Arabic it means " the servant of " but it would never come aloneit would be always combined with an adjective (property) describing AllahexamplesAbdulTawwab = servant of Allah the Forgiver = عبد التوابAbdulJabbar = Servant of Allah the Mighty = عبدالجبارAbdulJaleel = Servant of ِAllah the Great the Revered One = عبدالجليلAbdulHaseeb = Servant of Allah the Respected , the Esteemed =عبد الحسيبAbdulHafeeth = Servant of the Allah the protector = عبد الحفيظactually the original word is Abd which means "servant"
House servant.
A homophone for "servant" is "servent," which sounds the same but is spelled differently.
An enslaved servant typically refers to someone who is forced to work for an owner, often under oppressive conditions but may have some limited rights or freedoms. A slave, on the other hand, is considered the legal property of another person and has no rights or freedoms.
the difference between an indentured servent and a slave is that an indentured servant only stays with the person for the amount of time that they (the person;people) desire. And a slave stays either for their whole life or until they are sold to another owner.
Answer: the difference is that a slave is dirty and does not work in a proper house hold, and indentured servant is a clean proper slave that is assigned to one house were the servant gets clean close and a clean approch everyday so the guesst in the house will not be That is the answer.
Another word for slave is servant.
The slave labourer itself doesn't earn anything if anything they pay money to get the slave, but if you meant how much the SLAVE gets payed then the answer is nothing they are slaves not servants. The difference between them is that a slave is captured, not hired like a servant is, and a servant actually gets payed.
Servant, bondman, captive.
A slave is owned by someone and is considered property. Indentured servants were people who had their passage paid for and they worked for 7 years for the person in exchange.
Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.Neva was/is a fictional character. There is no record of the real Cleopatra ever having a slave/servant by that name.
And indentured servant only does so many years slavery before allowed to go free, were as, if you were a slave, you were pretty much stuck that way for life, until the underground Rail-Road came along. Choo! Choo!
The slave of the ring!