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There is no difference. All grammar is traditional. There is a difference between formal or written grammar, which insists on certain distinctions, as between who and whom, the appropriate use of subjunctive and the indicative moods and agreement of subject and verb, and informal or colloquial grammar which does not. In the old days, silly teachers often mistakenly taught that an English sentence may not end with a preposition, but that was simply incorrect, not formal grammar. Today's silly teachers sometimes mistakenly teach that the pronoun I may be the object of a proposition -" Dad took my sister and I to the beach" - but that is simply incorrect, not informal grammar. Modern English grammar, as the description of modern English usage characteristic of people under the age of forty, certainly suffers from the reduction of distinctions, the loss of refinement and the tongue-tied confusion of tenses and moods which is the inevitable result of having its standards set by the most careless speakers rather than by the most careful. Traditional grammar doesn't let you write like you talk. It doesn't, among other things, let you end a sentence with a preposition or start a sentence with the word "and." Some English teachers still insist that people comply with each and every one of those archaic rules, but many writers have accepted and even recommended the use of modern grammar instead.

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Traditional grammar is based on prescriptive rules and norms, often focusing on correctness and following established conventions. Modern grammar, on the other hand, takes a descriptive approach, studying how language is actually used in real-world contexts and accepting language changes and variations. Traditional grammar may be more concerned with formal writing and adherence to rules, while modern grammar emphasizes understanding language as a dynamic system.

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Q: What is the difference between traditional grammar and modern grammar?
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What is the difference between modern grammar and functional grammar and communicative grammar?

Modern grammar refers to the study and analysis of the structure and rules of a language. Functional grammar focuses on how language is used to convey meaning and achieve communicative goals. Communicative grammar emphasizes the use of language in real-life communication situations, focusing on effective communication rather than strict adherence to grammar rules.

What is the difference between traditional grammar and modern linguistics.?

firstly, modern liguistic is DESCRIPTIVE(to describe the way people speak) , whilst traditional grammar is PRESCRIPTIVE(to prescribe the way people speak, or simply, to tell people how to speak and let people know the correct way of their speaking )secondly, tradition grammar pays more attention to the written form of language, while linguistics attaches more importance to speaking than writing.thirdly, tradtional grammar has been restricted mainly to SYNTAX, that is, the way of words making patterns to form sentences, while linguistics has a boarder scope for researching, eg. pragmatics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, ect. which, accordingly, are out of the scope of traditional grammar.of course, there are other differences between the old and new appoaches to language research, such as Diachronic vs Synchronic and so....

What is the history of traditional grammar and modern linguistics?

Traditional grammar dates back to ancient civilizations and focuses on rules and structures to prescribe "correct" language use. In contrast, modern linguistics emerged in the 20th century and studies language as a dynamic system that is shaped by social, cognitive, and cultural factors. Linguistics seeks to describe and understand language variation and change, rather than dictate rules.

What is the difference between Latin and Spanish?

Latin is an ancient language that was spoken by the Romans, while Spanish is a modern Romance language that evolved from Latin. Spanish has its own unique grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation different from Latin.

What is modern grammar?

Modern grammar refers to the study and rules of a language as it is currently used by speakers. It includes understanding the structure, syntax, and rules of language to communicate effectively. Modern grammar is dynamic and changes over time as languages evolve and adapt to new contexts.

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