The main difference between cats and dogs is their preferred method of communication.
The main difference between the two products is their ingredients.
The difference between the two options refers to the distinctions or variations between the choices being compared.
The difference between "i" and "I" is that "I" is always capitalized when referring to oneself as a pronoun, while "i" is not capitalized.
Where are you come from isn't grammatically correct. But both where are you from or Where do you come from- are correct. Use: Natives speakers usually use: Where are you from, when they think that the person spoken to is from the same country the speaker is in. Where do you come from is used when the speaker doesn't know the person's country he is speaking to. But both the sentences are correct and they are in everyday use as well. M. S.
He come back.He become my friend now .
the difference was that they had come from different places and had different cultures
He come back.He become my friend now .
not allowed to come means you were dis-included allowed to not come means you were given permission to not attend
the animals they come from...veal is from calfs
The main difference between fruit and vegetables is that fruits come from the flowering part of a plant and contain seeds, while vegetables come from other parts of the plant, such as the roots, stems, or leaves.
The main difference between fruits and vegetables is that fruits come from the flowering part of a plant and contain seeds, while vegetables come from other parts of the plant, such as the roots, stems, or leaves.
No difference. They just come from different places.
The difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite is quite simple. These bites come from two different insects.
the difference between fresh water and potable water is fresh water can come form the ground, and/or, ice burgs.
Internal economics is what come from inside the external economics what come from outside
they are the same but come in different shapes and colors