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The word dose is both a noun (dose, doses) and a verb (dose, doses, dosing, dosed).

The noun dose is a word for the measured amount of a medicine to be taken at one time; the quantity of radiation given or absorbed; an experience to which one is exposed; a word for a thing.

The verb dose is to administer a portion of medicine.


Noun: You take one dose of the medicine every four house.

Verb: I dose the dog's food with salmon oil once a week.

The word does is both a noun (does is the plural form of the noun doe, a female deer) and a verb, the third person singular present of the verb or auxiliary verb do (does, doing, did, done); to cause to happen; to work at; to serve a purpose; to serve a sentence; to travel a certain speed.


Noun: The does were keeping their fawns close by.

Verb: Dad does the dishes every evening.

Auxiliary Verb: Mom does like to garden in her spare time.

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8mo ago

"Dose" as a noun refers to the quantity of a substance, such as medication, while "does" is the third person singular form of the verb "do," indicating present tense action.

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