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Romanichal Gypsies are an ethnic group originally from the British Isles, while Roma Gypsies are a more widespread ethnic group originating from various regions in Europe. They have distinct cultural traditions, languages, and histories, but both groups are often referred to by the broader term "Gypsies."

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Q: What is the difference between Romanichal and Roma Gypsies?
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What are Sinti and Roma?

Sinti (Roma) are gypsies.

What is a Romanichal?

A Romanichal is a type of Romany (Gypsy) found in the UK. They are related to the Sinti-Manouche group so they are not Roma (Eastern European Romanies). They usually speak a form of Romani known as Angloromani which is a combination of English and Romani.

Do the roma prefer to be called Gypsies?

No, referring to the roma as "Gypsies" is generally considered derogatory and inaccurate. It is more respectful to use the term "roma" or "romani" to refer to this ethnic group.

What are common names for gypsies?

Common names for Gypsies include Roma, Romani, and Travellers.

What Asian environment did the gypsies live in?

The earliest known homeland of the Roma/Sinti (gypsies) is NW India.

Does Roma prefer to be called Gypsies?

No, it is not preferred to refer to the Roma people as "Gypsies" as it is considered a derogatory term stemming from stereotypes and historical discrimination. "Roma" or "Romani" is the preferred term to use when referring to this ethnic group.

Were the roma people nice?

Gypsies is a very dangerous people.

What is the other name for gypsies?

Roma which means 'man', it is not to be confused with the words like Rome or Roumania, as both these words are from Latin. The word 'Roma' is what the Gypsies call themselves & the word is Indian in origin.

What does 'Roma' stand for?

"roma" means "Rome" in Spanish. In Italian too, I guess.

What is a talith?

A talith is a bladed scarf weapon primarily used in dance by the Roma, or Gypsies.

What is the difference between rome and Romania?

Rome (italian Roma) is the capital of the Italy.Romania is another country with the capital Bucharest.Note that Romania has more than 30 toponyms beginning with Rom, including the village Roma. Also toponyms beginning with Rom are in Italy and France.Roma is also the absolutely inadequate name of some gypsies (a people originating from India and Pakistan).

Why were the Roma given the name Gypsies by europeans?

Because when the Roma first came to Europe, it was originally believed that they came from Egypt. Later it was discovered that they were really from India.