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The determiner in the sentence is "the." It specifies which dog is being referred to.

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Q: What is the determiner in the sentence the dog barked loudly?
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Some types of sentence patterns include: N + V Example: The dog barked. N + V + Adv. Example: The dog barked loudly. Adj. + N + V Example: The big dog barked.

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"The dog barked loudly."

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Is the dog a subject?

Yes, "dog" can be a subject, as it is a noun that can perform an action or be the focus of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "The dog barked loudly," "dog" is the subject of the sentence.

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A The dog Simple sentence?

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What are the position of verbs?

Verbs are usually positioned right after a subject in a sentence. In the sentence the dog barked, the subject is dog and the verb is barked.

What type of verb is barked in the sentence the dog barked?

A verb is something you do, for example, "run", "jump", etc. "Bark" would be the verb in the sentence, "The dog barked."

What are the sentence essentials?

Every sentence must have:A subjectA verbA complete thought.The dog barked. Dog is the subject; barked is the verb. The sentence forms a complete thought.