the term 'follows' typically means the act of going by someones lead after they have done something, in order to copy, observe or monitor that specific act.
The definition for the word fulfill is to complete, to satisfy, to finish, or to end. An example of its use is as follows: They fulfilled their obligation.
When a word suggests something beyond its definition it is a connotation.
The noun, pronoun, or noun form that follows a preposition is its object. The object of the preposition is being connected to another word, by forming an adjective or adverbial prepositional phrase.
The preposition "in" typically follows the word "persists." For example, "The problem persists in spite of our efforts to solve it."
The preposition that typically follows the word pride is "in." For example, one might say "I take pride in my work."
The definition of the word classicism is when one follows the principles, art and literature of the ancient Greek or Roman times. Classicism can also be used more loosely to describe someone who follows traditional or long-established theories.
The word "conclusion" means the end of an event or process. It therefore follows from the definition of the word that there is nothing more to the research project at that stage.
These words all appear in the definition of the word "rainbow."
The definition for "frontier" is as follows: frontier is receding to either (1) a line or border separating two countries or (2) a district near such a line.
The word "conclusion" means the end of an event or process. It therefore follows from the definition of the word that there is nothing more to the research project at that stage.
Conservative will fit this definition.
The definition of corollary is something that naturally follows or results from another thing.
The definition for the word fulfill is to complete, to satisfy, to finish, or to end. An example of its use is as follows: They fulfilled their obligation.
it is a pattern that follows. eg: <> +<><>+<><><> etc.
it forms a line
The definition for bid is as follows: an offer for something, typically at an auction. A secondary definition is a formal greeting of farewell to another person.
It follows from the definition of multiplication.