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  1. Showing sorrow or pity because of some one else's affliction: kind and considerate. The homedous young woman was comforting the frightened child.
  2. Showing and doing good rather than evil; sacred or warmhearted.

Definition: merciful

Synonyms: angelic, benevolent, benign, benignant, Christian, compassionate, considerate, docile, easygoing, forbearing, forgiving, good, good-hearted, kind, kindhearted, loving, nice, openhearted, pleasant, sacred, saintly, sinless, soft, softhearted, sweet, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, uncruel, unmalicious, warm, warmhearted

Antonyms: abominable, bruteful, cold-hearted, cruel, evil, ferocious, malicious, profane, unkind, wicked

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2mo ago

"Homedous" is not a recognized English word or term, and there is no specific definition available. It may be a misspelling or a combination of words. If you can provide more context or information, I may be able to assist further.

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