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Q: What is the adverb in the sentence Native Americans originally developed lacrosse?
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Is originally a noun or pronoun?

The word 'originally' is neither a noun or a pronoun.The word 'originally' is the adverb form of the adjective 'original'.Example: He was originally attending the community college.The adverb 'originally' modifies the verb 'was attending'.A noun is a word for a person, a place or a thing.The noun in the example sentence is 'community college', a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place in a sentence.The pronoun in the example sentence is 'He', which takes the place of a noun for the male person spoken about.

Is this sentence written in passive voice The president was trying to develop his country's economy?

Yes, the sentence "The president was trying to develop his country's economy" is written in the passive voice. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is being acted upon rather than performing the action.

What is a sentence using the word least developed countries?

The least developed countries face significant challenges in terms of economic growth, infrastructure development, and access to basic services such as healthcare and education.

How would you put Native Americans in a sentence?

Native Americans encompass a diverse group of indigenous peoples who have lived in what is now known as North and South America for thousands of years.

What elements should be included in a well-developed paragraph?

A well-developed paragraph should include a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting details or evidence that explain or illustrate the main idea, and a concluding sentence that summarizes or reinforces the main idea. Transitional words and phrases can also help connect ideas within the paragraph.

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When was weird used in English?

In the sentence above.... But in all seriousness, The term developed into the modern English adjective "weird" around 1400, and was originally used as an adjective for "weird sisters." The meaning of "odd" is first attested in 1815.

What is a sentence for Americans?

Americans live in the United States of America.I met some Americans in the bar last night.

What was good about Australia being discovered?

Originally, it gave the British somewhere to deport Irish rebels and their families without killing them or risking an escape from a long prison sentence. Now, it has developed into a lead sporting nation in the world and a centre for tourism..

How do you use deleveled in a sentence?

She developed the conclusion of the crime by barely using any clues. Another good sentence would be, the rash developed quickly on the little boys body.

What is an example sentence for hale?

You originally hale from the fine shores of Liverpool

What is a sentence that uses disorder?

You seem to have developed a nervous disorder.

Can you put the word mutual in a sentence?

They developed a mutual friendship.

A sentence with the word civilized?

The Americans are a civilized people.

What sentence has the word environment and native Americans?

Native Americans have always cared more for the environment than we have.