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The accent in the word "bibliothèque" is called an acute accent. It is placed over the letter e to indicate that it should be pronounced as an 'ay' sound.

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Q: What is the accent in the word bibliotheque?
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4 What is the French word for library?

bibliotheque but there is an accent under the first e starting down and going up diagonally.

How do you translate we are going to the library at 2 o'clock in French?

Nous allons a la Bibliotheque a 2h.(Both "a" have an accent grave on them)

What does the French word bibliotheque mean?

The French word "bibliotheque" means "library" in English.

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The English translation of the French word bibliotheque is "library". Don't mix it up with the French word "librairie" (same sound and root, but indicates a bookshop)

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The accent is on the first syllable in the word "compound."

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Yes, the word "mesa" does have an accent on the second syllable.

How do you say 'accent' in french?

The word for "accent" in French is "accent."

Does the word comprare have an accent mark?

No, the word "comprare" does not have an accent mark.

Is there an accent in the Spanish word capitulo?

No, there is no accent in the Spanish word "capítulo."

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No, there is no accent in the Spanish word for 'yogurt,' which is "yogur."

Where is the accent mark on the word arithmetic?

The English word "arithmetic" carries no accent mark. The equivalent Spanish word 'aritmetica' has an accent over the 'e'.

How do you use the word 'accent' in a sentence?

I just love your accent!