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The accent in "research" falls on the second syllable, making it pronounced as "ri-SURCH."

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Importance of reaserch to national development?

research reinforces the teaching strategies to acquire learning. It develops the skills for a desired performance to students.

What does REASERCH mean?

It seems like there is a typo in the word "REASERCH." Assuming you meant "research," it refers to the systematic investigation into a subject to discover facts, theories, or applications. Research involves gathering information, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions to contribute to knowledge and understanding in a particular field.

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i have the same packet to do, and you should be doing the reaserch yourself. i have the same packet to do, and you should be doing the reaserch yourself. i have the same packet to do, and you should be doing the reaserch yourself.

He reaserch on the indigenous source of energy which is biogas?

Engr.Felix Maramba

Why do people reaserch?

People researched because to get the information they are looking for.

What decade did maglev reaserch begin?

Early 1970's

how much should i reaserch?

1 every 2 days

Did Edison make the first reaserch laboratory?

no Issac netwon did

In the cold war spurred further reaserch in radar and computers?
