No, "decode" is not an abstract noun. It is a verb that means to convert a coded message into understandable language.
There is no abstract noun for the verb to laugh. The noun form of the verb to laugh is the gerund, laughing; a concrete noun as a word for a physical act. The noun 'laugh' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical action or sound. The concrete noun 'laugh' can be used in an abstract context. Example: He mistook me for a famous movie star. What a laugh!
The abstract noun forms of the verb to hate are hatredand the gerund, hating.The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun as a word for an emotion.The abstract noun form can be hate or hatred. As nouns they have the same meaning, but hatred is more specifically directed toward or against someone or some concept.
The abstract noun form of "understand" is "understanding."
The abstract noun form of the verb to discuss is discussion.
The abstract noun form for the verb to please is the gerund, pleasing.A related abstract noun form is pleasure.
The abstract noun 'adoration' is a noun form of the verb to adore.
The word 'departure' is the abstract noun form of the verb to depart.
Resentence is an action verb. There is no abstract noun.
Either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it is of the abstract type, and as a verb it means to exercise the action corresponding to the abstract noun.
The abstract noun form for the verb abduct is abduction.
The abstract noun forms of the verb to rely are relianceand the gerund, relying.
The abstract noun for the verb to think is the gerund, thinking.The word 'think' is an abstract noun form as a word for the act or a period of thinking.A related abstract noun form is thought.
The abstract noun for the verb to grieve is the gerund, grieving.Related abstract noun forms are grief and bereavement.The abstract noun form of the verb grieve (meaning to air a complaint or wrong) is grievance.
The abstract noun form for the verb refract is refractedness. Another abstract noun is refraction.
The abstract noun for "displease" is "displeasure."
The abstract noun for the verb negotiate is negotiator. Another abstract noun form is negotiation.