"Organic" in Hindi is translated as "कार्बनिक" (kaarbonik) or "सेंवेयक" (senweyak).
The translation of "fiancee" in Hindi is "दुल्हन".
The Hindi translation of seismograph is भूकंप रेखाचित्रक (Bhukamp Rekhaachitrak).
"गरम मिश्रण" is the translation of "hot mixture" in Hindi.
The English translation of the Hindi word "duvida" is "doubt."
"Organic" in Hindi is translated as "कार्बनिक" (kaarbonik) or "सेंवेयक" (senweyak).
The translation of "fiancee" in Hindi is "दुल्हन".
The Hindi translation of the word "universe" is "ब्रह्मांड" (Brahmand).
The Hindi translation of seismograph is भूकंप रेखाचित्रक (Bhukamp Rekhaachitrak).
The translation of "hibiscus" in Hindi is "गुड़हल" (gudhal) and the translation of "cactus" in Hindi is "सेंसेवेरिया" (sensitive plant).
The Hindi translation of the English word moral is "Sanskaar".
"गरम मिश्रण" is the translation of "hot mixture" in Hindi.
pollution is less due to organic agriculture as compared chemical intensive agriculture
Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture ended in 2006.
The English translation of the Hindi word "duvida" is "doubt."
Tatkalin seva yatayat yantra is Hindi translation of ambulance. No one uses this word today.
The Hindi translation for 'oyster' is 'सीप'.