Tagalog translation of COPPER: tanso
Tagalog translation of copper: tanso
The Tagalog word for "English" is "Ingles."
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Tagalog translation of COPPER: tanso
Tagalog translation of copper: tanso
The word for "copper" in Tagalog is "tanso."
whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet
how much copper is in copper wire
Tagalog Translation of COPPER: tanso
No. Copper wire is a solid
No.. Copper wire isn't
Copper wire sent for recycling is remelted and rerefined. It becomes a new copper product one of which might be new copper wire.
If you mean a bare copper wire, that is the "ground" wire.
Yes, if it is not an insulated wire. If it is bare copper it is always ground. But the hot and neutral wire are also copper, they are just insulated.