Being is the present participle. The past participle is been.
Present participle: talking Past participle: talked
Present: study Past: studied Past participle: studied
The past participle of "begin" is "begun" and the present participle is "beginning."
The present participle of beat is beating, and the past participle is beaten.
Driving is the present participle of drive. "was driving" is the past continuous tense.
Being is the present participle. The past participle is been.
Present participle: talking Past participle: talked
Present: study Past: studied Past participle: studied
The past participle of "begin" is "begun" and the present participle is "beginning."
The present participle of beat is beating, and the past participle is beaten.
The present participle of "sow" is "sowing," and the past participle is "sown."
The present participle of wind is winding, and the past participle is wound.
Present participle: hiding Past: hid Past participle: hidden
Present tense: lead Present participle: leading Past tense: led Past participle: led
The past participle of "become" is "became" and the present participle is "becoming."
The past participle for "come" is "come" and the present participle is "coming."