"from the nautical meaning of having changed a sailing ship's positions to that of the prevailing wind, with the yards turned at right angles to the deck." From "Listening to America" by Stuart Berg Flexner (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1982).
Etymology is the study of the origin and history of words, including their form and meaning.
The word 'gosh' is a euphemism for 'God' or ‘God Almighty.’ It is commonly used to express surprise, and its origin is said to be a minced oath to avoid saying the word 'God' in vain.
The English term for the Filipino word "puon" is "starting point" or "origin."
"Patho-" means disease, and "-genesis" means origin or development. Therefore, pathogenesis refers to the development or origin of a disease within the body.
greek is the origin of oceanography
lahar is the term for mass movement that is volcanic in origin
The term is etymology.
The term used in forensics to describe a sample of unknown origin is "questioned sample."
The term nucleus is derived from a Latin word meaning "kernel" or "nut". How is the term nucleus related to its Latin term of origin? The nucleus is like the inside of a nut, and is shaped like a nut.
how to respect our country
The origin.
it is goulph