The Igbo meaning for the word "Abinitio" of the African origin is site na mmalite.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abandon" of the African origin is Hapụ.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wall" of the African origin is Mgbidi.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abominate" of the African origin is Kpọ nnukwu asi.
The Igbo meaning for the word ablution is "ịsacha aka ma ọ bụ ahụ n'ụdị mmemme."
There is no direct Igbo translation for the English word "wane."
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abandon" of the African origin is Hapụ.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wall" of the African origin is Mgbidi.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abominate" of the African origin is Kpọ nnukwu asi.
The Igbo meaning for the word Zenith is "Elu elu."
The Igbo meaning for the word wail is "Kwa arịrị."
The Igbo meaning for the word yawn is "Ghe Ughere."
The Igbo meaning for the word ablution is "ịsacha aka ma ọ bụ ahụ n'ụdị mmemme."
There is no direct Igbo translation for the English word "wane."
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wake" of the African origin is Kpọte.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Yield" of the African origin is Mkpụrụ.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wander" of the African origin is Kpagharị.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Zone" of the African origin is Mpaghara.