The Hindi word for ant is "चींटी" (chinti).
The Hindi word for April is अप्रैल.
The Hindi word for mining is "खानन" (khanan).
The Hindi word for 'monkey' is 'बंदर' (bandar).
"Prathibimb" is the word in Hindi for "reflection"
From a Hindi word, Jangal, meaning desert, forest, wasteland or uncultivated ground
The Hindi word for ant is "चींटी" (chinti).
The Hindi word for April is अप्रैल.
'Kab' is the Hindi word for 'when'.
The Hindi word for mining is "खानन" (khanan).
The Hindi word for 'monkey' is 'बंदर' (bandar).
"Prathibimb" is the word in Hindi for "reflection"
The Hindi word for illusion is "माया" (maya).
The Hindi word for chilli is "mirch."
Hindi word for a week is Saptah and Hafta.
The word for strawberry in Hindi is "स्ट्रॉबेरी" (pronounced as "strawberry").