"Oui" is a French word meaning "yes." While French is spoken in London, the primary language spoken in London is English. It is more common to hear "yes" in English conversations in London.
There is no exact number of French speakers in London, but it is estimated that there are over 300,000 French speakers in the city. French is one of the most spoken languages in London after English.
No, London is not the 5th largest French-speaking city in Europe. Paris, Brussels, and Geneva are among the cities with larger French-speaking populations than London.
The French word for French is "français."
"Word" in French is "mot" pronounced "moh"
"Oui" is a French word meaning "yes." While French is spoken in London, the primary language spoken in London is English. It is more common to hear "yes" in English conversations in London.
London is "Londres" in French.
London French RFC was created in 1959.
There is no exact number of French speakers in London, but it is estimated that there are over 300,000 French speakers in the city. French is one of the most spoken languages in London after English.
French Radio London was created on 2010-11-17.
French Protestant Church of London was created in 1550.
No, the vast majority of the population of London speak English, although there are French tourists and a few French speakers who live in London for business reasons.
Londres m'a manqué is the French translation for I missed London.
Including French, just about every language can be heard somewhere or other in London
The Maori word for London is 'Ranana'.
From 'leveroun', the old French word for greyhound, which was possibly the name of an inn nearby.