The root word for "pedestrian" in Latin is "pedester," which means "on foot" or "foot soldier."
English word for sapot: web
The English word for the French word "voyelle" is vowel.
The English word for Tamil word "kusu" is "garbage" or "rubbish."
The English word for the Latin word "portare" is "to carry."
"pedes" for the noun. "Pedester" for the adjective.
A pedes train is a person walking along a road or in a developed area.
deeps pedes
The root word for "pedestrian" in Latin is "pedester," which means "on foot" or "foot soldier."
dorsales pedes
A legionary was a soldier. In Latin the word for soldier is "miles" or "miles gregarius" You could specify the type of soldier by using "miles pedes" for a foot soldier or "miles eques" for a horseman.
The shortest English word is 'a'.
The motto of National University of Tucumán is 'Pedes in terra ad sidera visus'.
English word for sapot: web