Covert discrimination refers to subtle forms of discrimination that are not overt or easily detectable. It can involve behaviors, actions, or policies that appear neutral on the surface but have discriminatory effects on certain individuals or groups.
The word "covert" is an adjective.
The root "cov-" in covert comes from the Latin word "cooperire" which means "to cover." This root gives covert the meaning of something hidden or concealed.
The root word "covert" comes from Old French "covert," meaning hidden or sheltered. It is often used to describe something concealed or not openly displayed.
What are some words containing the root word "vert"? The most important ones are "vertical" and "vertex" Others include the following: advertize, avert, convert, converter, covert, culvert, divert, evert, invert, overt, pervert, poverty, revert, subvert, and vertigo. There are dozens more less common words.
covert = hidden overt = out in the open/clear
Overt behavior is openly displayed, covert behavior is concealed.
Covert is unknown overt is known.
its a covert behavior
Covert means hidden, covered or secret; overt means out in the open, revealed, obvious.
Overt, insert, exert.
Why would you not want any covert collusion in your business
there is a two types of behavior ,the overt and covert OVERT-things that we do outwardly expressed COVERT-that cannot be seen by our naked eyes.
Covert means under cover, secret, not in the open, etc. Overt is the opposite - it means uncovered, not secret, in the open, etc.
The covert operations will only precede the overt operations by six months.
Covert behavior is when somebody does something without others knowing (for example, covert observation is when you observe somebody without them knowing) and overt behavior is the opposite.
Covert discrimination is hidden or subtle discrimination. It is opposed to overt discrimination, which is open and obvious. .