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Not a thing!Some grammarians claim that it is wrong to end a sentence with a preposition. I'm here to tell you that it is THEY (those grammarians who make that claim) who are wrong.

Technically, this is called "preposition stranding", and does not necessarily occur at the end of a sentence, but any time a preposition is separated from its object. But wherever it occurs, there is absolutely nothing gramatically wrong with preposition stranding in the English language. Indeed, what is considered gramatically incorrect is unnaturally altering a sentence to AVOID stranding a preposition.

Here is a very common English sentence that ends with a stranded preposition:

"What are you talking about?"

Were this sentence rearranged to "unstrand" the preposition, it would read:

"About what are you talking?"

But yet no one ever says it that way. Why not? Because it's simply not natural. Seriously, I defy anyone who thinks preposition stranding is incorrect to find that second, unnaturally-mangled sentence is ANY English-language work, spoken or written.

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There is no grammatical error in the sentence "That is definitely something to be proud of." It is a grammatically correct sentence.

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What is grammatically wrong with the phrase That is definitely something to be proud of?

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