The feminine plural French word for brown is "brunes."
The plural of "agréable" in French is "agréables."
The plural of "bonjour" in French is "bonjours."
A sister is "une soeur" in French. The plural is "des soeurs".
The plural of "woman" in French is "femmes."
The feminine plural French word for brown is "brunes."
Brun or brune in the singular and bruns or brunes in the plural are French equivalents of the English word "brown." Context makes clear whether feminine (cases 2, 4) or masculine (examples 1, 3) genders suit. The respective pronunciations will be "breh" or "bryoon" in the singular and plural in French.
"Brown-haired" and "light brown" in the plural are English equivalents of the French word châtains. Context makes clear whether the masculine plural word functions as an adjective (case 1) or a noun (example 2). The pronunciation will be "sha-teh" in French.
The plural of "agréable" in French is "agréables."
The plural of "bonjour" in French is "bonjours."
A sister is "une soeur" in French. The plural is "des soeurs".
"Chestnut brown hair" is an English equivalent of the French phrase cheveux châtains. The masculine plural noun and adjective also translate into English as "light brown-colored hair." The pronunciation will be "shuh-vuh sha-teh" in French.
The plural of "woman" in French is "femmes."
The plural of "objet" in French is "objets."
The plural of "princess" in French is "princesses."
The plural of "miss" in French is "mesdemoiselles."
les is the plural for both articles 'la' and 'le' in French