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The inability of students to think up their own sentences makes me bang my head against the wall.

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4mo ago

She felt like she was banging her head against the wall trying to explain the concept to her stubborn coworker.

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Q: What is an original sentence that contains the idiom to bang your head against the wall?
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To include an idiom in an example sentence, simply incorporate the idiom naturally into the sentence to convey a figurative meaning. For example, "She had a chip on her shoulder" is an idiom meaning she was easily offended or held a grudge.

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An idiom usually is a sentence, or part of one. It certainly can be used as part of a sentence. The way to tell if it's an idiom is if it makes sense the way it's literally written.

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The sentence is not, because an idiom is usually a phrase. The idiom is "do lunch," which means to have lunch together, usually while discussing business.

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