She remained mute throughout the meeting, unable to voice her opinions.
A person who can not or will not speak is known as a 'mute'
The word you are looking for is "mute."
Another word for deaf mute is "deaf and speechless."
No, "mute" is not a preposition. In the context of communication or sound, "mute" is an adjective or verb, not a preposition.
The word mute has a long U (long OO) sound, more specifically the YOO sound (myoot).
You could use the word gracious as an adjective. For example: "Mrs. Jones is a very gracious hostess."
Maybe because, what if the word also is the first word of the scentence. You also don't use it when you have a scentence like: I also like bananas and strawberries. What I mean is, is that it depends on the scentence.
a sentence is a long word thingy
You don't.
I talked earnestly.
Scientists have split the atom.
mute = mudo
A person who can not or will not speak is known as a 'mute'
The word you are looking for is "mute."
The Definition of Prowess: 1. Skill or expertise 2. Bravery in Battle Example scentence: He showed great prowess when fighting the opposition
Another word for deaf mute is "deaf and speechless."
I do not know any other word for" mute" in the sense of unable to speak, but"silent "or "speechless" can replace "mute" in other cases.