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2mo ago

An antonym for sluggish is energetic or lively.

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What is an antonym for living?

Comatose, sluggish, dull

What is an antonym for the word swift?

slow or sluggish

What is the antonyms of lilting?

Jarring. Unrhythmic. Sluggish. There truly is no direct antonym.

What word is antonym for slow and sluggish?

rapid, brisk, prompt, ready :D

Which is the Antonym of motivation?

The antonym of motivation is demotivation or apathy. This refers to a lack of drive, enthusiasm, or incentive to pursue a particular goal or task.

What is the antonym of lethargic?

Lethargic is a word that means tired, lazy sluggish, so antonyms of lethargic would be energetic and active.

What is the meaning of being sluggish?

Sluggish or being sluggish implies slowness in response or action.

How can you put sluggish in a sentence?

She felt sluggish when she woke up this morning. He was sluggish at work today.

What part of speech is sluggish?

"Sluggish" is an adjective.

Are 'nervous' and 'sluggish' synonyms?

No, nervous and sluggish are not synonyms.

What rhymes with sluggish?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word sluggish.

When was Sluggish weevil created?

Sluggish weevil was created in 1763.