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Cuneiform actually started as pictographs, but it was cumbersome to draw pictures with the reed stylus, so the stylus's shape was incorporated into the later cuneiform; wedge-shaped lines. It was quicker and overall more efficient.

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Cuneiform allows for more complex and detailed writing compared to pictographs. It can represent abstract concepts and a wider range of sounds, making it more versatile for expressing ideas and recording information.

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What are the differences between cuneiform and pictographs?

Cuneiform is a writing system that uses wedge-shaped symbols to represent words or syllables, while pictographs are symbols that represent objects or ideas. Cuneiform was used by ancient Mesopotamian civilizations like the Sumerians and Akkadians, while pictographs are more commonly associated with ancient Chinese writing and Native American rock art. Cuneiform is a more complex and phonetic writing system compared to pictographs.

What is the difference between cuneiform and pictographs?

Cuneiform is a writing system that uses wedge-shaped characters to represent words and syllables, while pictographs are symbols that represent objects or ideas using pictures or drawings. Cuneiform was used in ancient Mesopotamia, while pictographs have been used in various ancient and modern cultures around the world.

What did pictographs and cuneiform represent?

Pictographs were stylized symbols representing objects or ideas in early writing systems. Cuneiform was a system of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols to represent sounds, syllables, and words in ancient Mesopotamia. Both were used to communicate ideas and record information.

How did sumerians communicate before cuneiform?

Before cuneiform writing, Sumerians likely communicated orally through spoken language and possibly through symbols or pictographs. They may have also used gestures, drawings, and physical objects to convey information and ideas.

Did Sumerian writing develop from pictographs to cuneiform to an alphabet?

Yes, Sumerian writing did evolve from pictographs to cuneiform. Cuneiform was a system of writing that used a combination of symbols and wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. However, Sumerian writing did not develop into an alphabet; instead, it remained a logographic and syllabic script.

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How did cuneiform change over the history of Mesopotamia?

Cuneiform became more abstract and changed from being just simple pictographs to becoming wedge-shaped lines.

What were the most common sumerian inventions?

they are the cuneiform and the pictographs.

What was ancient Ghana's writing system?

They used a form of writing called Cuneiform. Cuneiform formed from the ancient writing called pictographs. Pictographs used pictures to describe words, cuneiform used shapes, such as blocks, as letters.

What are the differences between cuneiform and pictographs?

Cuneiform is a writing system that uses wedge-shaped symbols to represent words or syllables, while pictographs are symbols that represent objects or ideas. Cuneiform was used by ancient Mesopotamian civilizations like the Sumerians and Akkadians, while pictographs are more commonly associated with ancient Chinese writing and Native American rock art. Cuneiform is a more complex and phonetic writing system compared to pictographs.

What was the Mesopotamians writing system?

cuneiform but farther back, pictographs

What is the difference between cuneiform and pictographs?

Cuneiform is a writing system that uses wedge-shaped characters to represent words and syllables, while pictographs are symbols that represent objects or ideas using pictures or drawings. Cuneiform was used in ancient Mesopotamia, while pictographs have been used in various ancient and modern cultures around the world.

What was Mesopotamias writing systems?

The earliest writing was based on pictographs. Pictographs were used to communicate basic information about crops and taxes. Over time, the need for writing changed and the signs developed into a script we call cuneiform.

What is the difference between cuniaform and hiergliphics?

Cuneiform is a Sumerian langue, while hieroglyphics is Egyptian. 1 uses pictographs, Cuneiform doesn't.

What did pictographs and cuneiform represent?

Pictographs were stylized symbols representing objects or ideas in early writing systems. Cuneiform was a system of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols to represent sounds, syllables, and words in ancient Mesopotamia. Both were used to communicate ideas and record information.

What type of writing does the mesopotamians use?

the form of writing is called cuneiform, it used wedge-shaped symbols called pictographs meaning pictures or drawings that represents a word or idea

What was the writing Mesopotamians used?

a stylus ( reed pen used for writing on wet clay).

Write about cuneiform script?

The Sumerians were the first to devise a script. This is knew as the cuneiform script. This in the from of pictographs signs, symbols and pictures which denoted objects. Henry Rawlinson deciphered the Sumerian script......